Google Sheets Checkbox

Google Sheets Checkbox

Google Sheet checkbox is used to track and mark completed works on Google Sheets.

How to Add Checkbox In Google Sheets?

After selecting the cells to insert the checkbox, follow the steps Insert > Checkbox.

Google Sheets Insert Checbox

Google Sheets Conditional Formatting Checkbox

You can use checkboxes more effectively with conditional formatting. In order to keep track of the completed transactions, you can mark the rows with the ticked checkboxes.

To create conditional formatting, follow Format > Conditional formatting.

Google Sheets Checkbox Conditional Formatting

Click on the Add another rule field in the area that opens on the right side of the screen on Google Sheets.

Google Sheets Checkbox Add Another Rule

On the screen that opens, first the range of cells to be affected must be determined.

While determining the range of cells, it is selected in matrix logic. In the example below, the A2:B10 rule specifies a rectangular cell range.


While specifying the format rule, the “Custom formula is” option is specified first among the options. Then the rule =$A2=TRUE is written in the input field below. Here $A2 is also valid for the example below and is specified as the place where the cell range starts.

Note: The example of =$A2=TRUE applies to the example below, it changes depending on the cells selected in the table.


Finally, in the “Formatting style” field, which operation will be performed when the checkbox is clicked (background color, bold text, underlined text, strikethrough text…) is selected and saved with the save button.

Google Sheets Conditional Formatting Rules

Other rules can be added next to the saved conditional formatting.

Google Sheets Conditional Formatting Done

Sample Checkbox Sheet
You can reach the sample file page for the check box by clicking the button. You can copy the opened spreadsheet and work on it yourself.
