HTML Style Tag


The HTML <style> element is used to define internal CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) within an HTML document. It allows you to embed CSS rules directly into an HTML file, affecting the styling and presentation of the content within that document.

<!DOCTYPE html>
    h1 {font-size: 32px;}
  <h1>Junior to Expert</h1>

CSS defined within a <style> element is scoped to the HTML document in which it appears. It won’t affect other HTML documents or external stylesheets linked to the document. This is useful for applying specific styles to a single page.

Benefits of Using <style> Tag

  • Using the <style> element is helpful when you want to include a small amount of CSS that is specific to a single page. It can reduce the need for external stylesheets and simplify your project’s structure.
  • Using critical CSS in the page source code with <style> a tag insideĀ  <head> will help for better page load performance and SEO.
  • Styles defined within a <style> tag is isolated to the current HTML document, which can prevent unintentional style conflicts with other parts of your website or with third-party CSS libraries.

Disadvantages of Using <style> Tag

  • For larger projects or those with multiple pages, it’s often better to use external CSS files linked to your HTML document. This promotes code reusability, easier maintenance, and separation of concerns.

In summary, while the <style> element has its use cases, it’s generally more suitable for smaller projects, specific page-level styles, or quick prototyping. For larger and more complex websites or applications, using external CSS files provides better maintainability, scalability, and reusability of styles, making it the preferred approach in most cases.