WordPress Redirection Extension

WordPress Redirection Plugin

With the WordPress Redirection plugin, you can 301 redirect broken links (404) or changed page addresses on the site.

WordPress Redirection Plugin

WordPress Redirection Setup

After installing and activating the plugin, you can reach the page with the settings of the plugin on Tools > Redirection.

The first time you enter the screen with the add-on settings, the add-on must be installed. Click the “Start Setup” button to activate the plugin quickly.

WordPress Redirection Start Setup

It offers you 2 extra options in simple installation;

  1. When the address of any page on the site changes, the Redirection plugin automatically redirects the old page to the new page.
  2. It keeps a log of 404 and redirects on the site. (This option can increase the size of the database.)

Wordpress Redirection Basic Setup

After the Redirection plugin automatically tests the REST API, click the “Finish Setup” button to proceed.

WordPress Redirection Finish Setup

When the process bar is completed, the installation is completed, after clicking the “Continue” button, “Ready to begin!” Click the button and switch to the plugin panel.

WordPress 301 Redirect

To redirect a page in WordPress, click the “Add New” button in the panel of the Redirection plugin. Enter the URL you want to redirect to in the Source URL field, and the final URL to be redirected to in the Target URL field. You can leave the “Query Parameters” and “Group” fields as they are.

WordPress 301 Redirection

Redirecting HTTP URLs to HTTPS Versions

With the WordPress Redirection plugin, you can redirect HTTP URLs on the site to HTTPS versions.

On the WordPress Redirection Plugin Panel > Site tab, under the “Canonical Settings” settings, click the area that appears in the image below.

WordPress Redirect HTTP to HTTPS

Redirecting Versions with WWW to Versions Non WWW

On the WordPress Redirection Plugin Panel > Site tab, under the “Canonical Settings” settings, select the domain that appears in the image below in the “Preferred domain:” field.

WordPress Redirection www to non www

Redirecting Non WWW Versions to WWW Versions

On the WordPress Redirection Plugin Panel > Site tab, under the “Canonical Settings” settings, select the domain that appears in the image below in the “Preferred domain:” field.

WordPress Redirection Non www to www

Redirect Website to Another Domain

Use the “Relocate Site” field to redirect a site in WordPress infrastructure to another domain.

“Relocate Site” field on the WordPress Redirection Plugin Panel > Site tab.

WordPress Redirection Relocate Site

With this redirect, the sub-pages of the website are directed to their own pages on the new domain.