There are two HTML tags used when quoting from any website; <blockquote> and <q> tags.
It is the HTML quote tag used when quoting in paragraph length. For the tag, the address of the web page from which the citation is made is specified with the cite feature.
<blockquote cite=""><p>Web browsers receive HTML documents from a web server or from local storage and render the documents into multimedia web pages.</p></blockquote>
The <blockquote> tag is compatible with Chrome, Opera, Mozilla, Safari and all web browsers.
Mozilla Developer:
It is the HTML quote tag used in short quotes, similar to the <blockquote> HTML quotation tag. With the in-tag cite attribute, the address of the web page from which the citation is made is specified.
<p>Nikola Tesla said <q cite="">If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration.</q></p>
By default, web browsers display text enclosed in <q> in quotation marks.
The <q> tag is compatible with Chrome, Opera, Mozilla, Safari and all web browsers.
Mozilla Developer:
The cite (citation element) tag is used when talking about a book, song, poem or movie, to indicate the name of the work in question.
<p><cite>Da Vinci Code</cite>, Dan Brown</p>
<p><cite>Da Vinci Code</cite>, Dan Brown</p>
By default, web browsers reflect text written in <cite> in italic style.
The <cite> tag is compatible with Chrome, Opera, Mozilla, Safari and all web browsers.
Mozilla Developer: