Search engines are systems that index resources such as images, text, and videos on the internet into their own indexes and list them according to the queries made by the users. Since the purpose of search engines is to provide users with the most accurate information, they evaluate the web pages to be listed with algorithms and present them to users.
Search engines have been used since the early years of the Internet, and they are updated with algorithms that are constantly developed to deliver the results users are looking for in the most accurate way. Of course, the competition between search engines also helps the systems to develop more. Some of the search engines that were in competition from the past to the present are no longer used and have been closed.
The above different and competing search engines have their own algorithms. These algorithms create a ranking among the pages indexed by search engines and list the indexed results according to the queries made to the users.
Web pages that are optimized according to the guidelines suggested by each search engine’s algorithm are also more likely to rank higher. Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is the process of editing web pages according to the instructions of the algorithm.