Inbound and outbound link structures are 2 different technical link structures used in SEO. An inbound link is a link from another website to your website, while an outbound link is a link from your site to another site. They are used to improve websites in terms of SEO.
Inbound and outbound link structures can both benefit and harm websites in terms of SEO.
Links from external websites to your own website are called inbound links, also known as backlinks. If there is a page on your site that receives an external link, and this page is no longer used and has been closed, 301 redirect the link of the closed page to a new page or an alternative page. In this way, you will not miss the user who comes to the site with an inbound link.
Links to your site from other websites indicate that the content on your website is valuable and authoritative. These links can help increase the authority of your website and increase your ranking on search results pages. Inbound links can bring new users to your website.
Too many inbound links from websites unrelated to the content of your site and links from websites with low authority can lower your website’s authority and cause the site to lose ranking. Inbound links should be analyzed and spammy links with low authority should be blocked with the Search Console Disavow tool.
The links you give to other websites on your own website are called outbound links.
Using outbound links is beneficial in terms of user experience. Linking to high-authority websites shows your readers how well you know and helps them spend more time on the website. In this way, your website gains authority.
Links to sites with low authority and no knowledge of the subject and spam pages reduce users’ trust in the website and the website may lose authority.
Avoid linking to low quality websites on your own website, this can lower your website’s authority. At the same time, if there are spam links in external links, block these links.